viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

My best friend

I've been friends with my best friend for so many years that I lost the count. Like me, my best friend's name is Antonia, so when we are together we call ourselves "Antos by two". We met each other when we were like 11 or 12 years old, at the birthday party of a friend in common. At first we didn't talk so much, we ran into each other sometimes in some places and we said hi in a good manner but that was it. Then we started hanging out with our friend in common, but she (our friend) let both of us down, and now here we are. 

We both lived in Temuco in that time, but now we are living in Santiago, she is studying laws, so she is busy almost all the time but I know I can count on her always. 

I consider her my best friend because besides we were living in different cities a few years ago, we always were there for each other. We never lost the contact and always have each other's backs. I always remember when we were living in the south and in the summer we used to go to the beach, cause' she has a cabin in Lican Ray. And I also remember when in the New Years Eve of 2017 we worked together all the night. I ended almost death tired that night, but I enjoyed it.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019

The BEST concert EVER!

That is a nice title, but unfortunately I've never been to a concert. The main reason is that I was too little to go by myself and because I was living in another city, not in Santiago de Chile. Almost all the concerts that have taken place in Chile are in Santiago, so besides the money for the ticket, I would have to pay for my traveling to Santiago. We have to think that also, concerts tickets aren't cheap, so buying two tickets for my mom and I, and the two round-trip tickets, was a little difficult.

So instead of putting in the title "the best concert ever" I would put "The concert I would like to go". To answer that question, I would really love the Jonas Brothers. It may sound like I'm childish but since I was a little girl I really love them.

I know all the songs and the lyrics to the new and the old ones. They separated in 2010 I think, but this year they reunited and formed the band again. Currently they are touring around USA and the only thing I hope is that they came to Chile and the rest of the world very soon. They were in Chile before, but I couldn't go to see them. So now that I'm older, and I can work in the summer so I can save money, I really want that they come.   

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2019

A country I would like to visit

The country I would love to visit is Finland. Maybe it sounds a little cliché but this country has something that attracts me so much like the landscapes or the aurora borealis. The life of the people living there is better in comparison to other countries. 

Finland is one of the countries with the best economy for their people and the education system is maybe the best worldwide. The students aren't stressed over homework, they get better grades, and it's all because they apply that teaching better has better results than teaching for so many hours and badly. 

One thing I would like to do there is backpacking and view all the amazing landscapes that Finland has. Obviously seeing the aurora borealis while I'm there. I would like to learn about their culture too, and the festivals that they make. The language seems a little difficult but with patience and perseverance everything works. 
I would love to live there, because all the reasons I have just told. The social breach is almost nonexistent and the way they live is what makes the people in Finland the happiest in the world.

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019


My name is Antonia Díaz Muñoz, and I'm 21 years old. I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy at "Universidad de Chile". In this class I expect to being able to speak English with more fluency, cause' right now that is my greatest weakness. Understanding the language is very easy for me. A proof of that is that I can watch movies or series without any subtitles, or when someone is speaking to me in English I have no problems understanding it. It's like my mind has all the vocabulary but when I try to talk I completely freak out.

On the other hand, when I write in English, I have some difficulties but not so many like when I'm trying to speak it. Like I said before, I really want this class help me with my talking, because I expect that in 3 years from now I can go on an exchange trip. 

My best friend

I've been friends with my best friend for so many years that I lost the count. Like me, my best friend's name is Antonia, so whe...