viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019


My name is Antonia Díaz Muñoz, and I'm 21 years old. I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy at "Universidad de Chile". In this class I expect to being able to speak English with more fluency, cause' right now that is my greatest weakness. Understanding the language is very easy for me. A proof of that is that I can watch movies or series without any subtitles, or when someone is speaking to me in English I have no problems understanding it. It's like my mind has all the vocabulary but when I try to talk I completely freak out.

On the other hand, when I write in English, I have some difficulties but not so many like when I'm trying to speak it. Like I said before, I really want this class help me with my talking, because I expect that in 3 years from now I can go on an exchange trip. 

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